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Dictionaries for Swedish - Greek

Eurodicautom (European Commission Translation Service)

Type: multi-lingual
Owner: European Union
Description: Selection from 12 source languages to as many target languages. You can define an individual search profile according to i.a. subject, authors or date.
Languages: Any combination of Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

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Type: Multi-lingual
Owner: Maintained by theEuropean Parliament - hosted by Trados
Description: Permits translation among the 12 European languages and contains an abbreviation database. Some entries are even available in further languages.
Languages: Any combination of Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

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TIS (Terminological Information System)

Type: multi-lingual
Owner: The Council of the European Union
Description: " TIS on the Web is a simplified version of the terminological database used by terminologists and translators working in The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union."
Languages: Any combination of Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish

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Type: multilingual
Owner: The Swedish Schoolnet
Description: The dictionaries have been issued by the Swedish National Agency for Education. They are included in the Lexin series. Lexin is primarily produced to meet the need of immigrant education. Lexin currently consists of about 30000 words.
Languages: Greek/Swedish, Spanish/Swedish, Swedish/Bosnian, Swedish/Croatian, Swedish/Greek, Swedish/Spanish

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