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Dictionaries for English - Cebuano

English-Swedish-Tagalog-Cebuano dictionary

Type: multilingual
Owner: Jan Edmun Carlsen & Foreignword
Description: Online dictionaries for the following language pairs:English-Tagalog, Tagalog-English; English-Cebuano, Cebuano-English; English-Ilongo, Ilongo-English dictionary; Swedish-Tagalog, Tagalog-Swedish; Swedish-Cebuano, Cebuano-Swedish; Swedish-Ilongo, Ilongo-Swedish; English-Swedish, Swedish-English. Some of these dictionaries are the first available on line for their corresponding language pairs. Electronic version of the English-Swedish-Tagalog-Cebuano dictionary by Jan Edmund Carlsen .
Languages: Cebuano/English, Cebuano/Swedish, English/Cebuano, English/Ilongo, English/Swedish, English/Tagalog, Ilongo/English, Ilongo/Swedish, Swedish/Cebuano, Swedish/English, Swedish/Ilongo, Swedish/Tagalog, Tagalog/English, Tagalog/Swedish

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