Use NetSearch to find your terms in some of the most poweful Internet search engines: Altavista, Yahoo, Lycos, ect. Browse one after another the results of your queries from a single user-friendly interface until you find the information you need.
Choose the European search engine that best suits your language requirements. Select among its list of search engines from all over the world.

Using NetSearch couldn't be easier:

1) First, select your favourite Search Engine,

2) Next, enter the word(s) of your query...

3) and finally click on "GO".

The results of your search will appear on the right side of your frame.
No need to constantly open and close new windows. And if you are not happy with the results, just try a new Search Engine.

It's easy: Look up your term in one dictionary after the other by just clicking on the "Next" button.

And if you don't find your favourite Search Engine in our list, why not tell us where it is, so so that we can include it in our next release.

Fonts for non-European alphabets can be found here.
