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Dictionnaires Anglais - Basque


Type: multilingual
Propriétaire: Euskalterm
Description: Terminology dictionary. This covers all lexica and sections of vocabulary drawn up by UZEI. It currently holds some 85,000 terminology files, with the equivalent terms in Spanish, French, English and Latin (in taxonomy).
- External production.The main features are collections of terminology from a range of fields, and standardisation commissions set up by the Administration: Dictionary of European Treaties, Dictionary of educational administration, Internal lettering, Road signs etc. The dictionary's 14,000 files also contain more sporadic information, for instance, contributions from translators working for the Administration.

- Consultation records. This material is originated from daily translation tasks. They may be translation units. All records are temporary. There are about 12,000 records in all.

- Dictionary of the Windows environment. Contains thousands of records with translation units.
Langues: Anglais/Basque, Basque/Anglais, Basque/Espagnol, Basque/Français, Espagnol/Basque, Français/Basque

(MS Explorer only)




Type: bilingual
Description: "The most complete and modern English-Basque Basque-English dictionary to date. It has been updated and follows the latest recommndations of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Euskaltzaindia. The dictionary contains: 67,000 headwards, 120,000 expressions and idioms"
Langues: Anglais/Basque, Basque/Anglais

(MS Explorer only)



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