The Web is full of hidden treasures for the patient searcher. Thousands of paths towards useful links but very few maps to find your way through. We have conceived our tools as the map and compass towards all these hidden treasures. Let's get started. Access 265 on-line dictionaries from a single interface. Simply select a source- and target language, enter your term and up you go! Also available for WAP mobile phones! Of course, there are many more resources on the web than those included in DictSearch! Translate entire texts or longer terms with 28 different machine translation (MT) tools available on the web. Use the free test services of MT vendors and get acquainted with this new technology. And don't be discouraged if the results are not exactly what you expected. Computers are still far from human in the area of language translation and understanding. Judge for yourself. And if you don't need a translation but just the context in which your word appears, the pages in Internet dealing with that specific subject, then try NetSearch: Altavista, Yahoo, Lycos, etc., from one single interface.
Why all these tools? Anyone having to deal with translations, from the professional translator to the casual reader of information in foreign languages, knows well how important a good knowledege of all the available Internet resources can be to help solve our language problems. More and more private companies and universities but also private individuals and institutions are opening their information resources to users from all over the world. Type the word "dictionary" in your favourite search engine and your screen will be filled with hundreds, thousands of links to those resources from every corner of the world. However, this wealth of linguistic information is not always easy to handle and sometimes skimming through piles of links and references can get you tired before you find "that" specific resource you are looking for. Getting all these resources a bit closer, giving you a ready access to this fast growing number of dictionaries, search engines and glossaries has been the reason for the development of the tools you are about to try. Take the time to read our introductions on this and some other subjects in the Technology-area of this site.
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