Mantente informado de los
últimos avances y proyectos en el campo de la traducción,
desde los aspectos más teóricos a los nuevos
productos lingüísticos en el mercado. En esta lista se encuentran representadas
algunas de las más prestigiosas revistas en el campo de la
Journal |
A Publication for Translators by
Translators about Translators and Translation." An
excellent side with lots of articles on practical
aspects of the profession. By Gabe Bokor, from
Accurapid. |
Two lines (a journal of
translation) |
"TWO LINES is an annual print-based journal
publishing original English translations of international literature, with a special focus
on the translation process. In each issue of TWO LINES, you will find works from around
the globe that have been organized around a theme.
translation we select is accompanied by the author's
original text and an introduction by the translator
which serves to place the piece in its cultural context
and provide new insight into the translator's craft.
These introductions, in which our contributors are free
to describe the art and challenges of translation, make
TWO LINES unique among journals of world
literature." |
Terminology |
"International Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized
Communication" "Terminology is an independent
journal with a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary
scope. It focuses on the discussion of (systematic)
solutions not only of language problems encountered in
translation, but also, for example, of (monolingual)
problems of ambiguity, reference and developments in
multidisciplinary communication. Particular attention
will be given to new and developing subject areas such
as knowledge representation and transfer, information
technology tools, expert systems and terminological
databases. Terminology encompasses terminology both in
general (theory and practice) and in specialized fields
(LSP), such as physics; biomedical sciences; technology;
engineering; humanities; management; law; arts; business
administration; trade; corporate identity; economics;
methodology; and any other area in which terminology is
essential to improve
communication". |
Terminologie et
Traduction |
"Terminologie et Traduction
is the professional journal of the language services of
the European Union's institutions. It publishes papers,
glossaries, reviews, notes, letters and announcements
related to matters of translation (translation theory
and practice, translation studies, translation tools),
terminology (lexicology, terminography) and interpreting
in the eleven working languages of the EU. The core of
each issue is devoted to a main topic, but a variety of
other contributions is also included. Produced by the
Terminology Unit of the European Commission under the
supervision of a paninstitutional editorial Board,
T&T is published thrice yearly by the Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities in
Luxembourg." |
Language Learning &
Technology |
Published three times a
year. This year issues will include articles on "The
Role of Computer Technology in Second Language
Acquisition Research", "Literacies and Technologies",
"Computer-Assisted Language Testing", and "Using Corpora
in Language Teaching and
Learning". |
Today |
The Magazine for the
Language Industries, a major new online magazine for
everyone working in applied languages - translators,
interpreters, terminologists, lexicographers and
technical writers. |
TRANSST - An International
Newsletter of Translation
Studies |
"TRANSST serves as an information
clearinghouse for the Committee for Translation Studies
of the International Comparative Literature Association
(ICLA/ AILC) and for the Scientific Commission on
Translation and Interpreting of the International
Association of Applied Linguistics
MT News
International |
"The EAMT, together with its sister
associations, the AAMTA and the AMTA, publishes MT News
International three times a year. MTNI offers
announcements of upcoming events, such as workshops and
conferences, reports of previous events, company and
product news, and updates of research
developments." |
Translation |
"While respecting its historical link with the
field of MT, Machine Translation's scope of interest encompasses all branches of
Computational Linguistics and Language Engineering, wherever they incorporate a multilingual
aspect". Its main interests
include "machine translation and machine-aided
translation, human translation theory and practise,
multilingual text composition and generation,
multilingual information retrieval and natural language
interfaces, multilingual dialogue systems and message
understanding systems, corpus-based and statistical
language modelling, connectionist approaches to
translation, compilation and use of bi- and multilingual
corpora, discourse phenomena and (human or machine)
translation, contrastive linguistics, software
localization and internationalization, speech
processing, especially for speech translation,
computational implications of non-Roman character sets,
language engineering for minority languages, history of
machine translation"
Linguistics |
Computational Linguistics "is the
only publication devoted exclusively to the design and
analysis of natural language processing systems. From
this unique quarterly, university and industry
linguists, computational linguists, artificial
intelligence (AI) investigators, cognitive scientists,
speech specialists, and philosophers get information
about computational aspects of research on language,
linguistics, and the psychology of language processing
and performance." |
Computer Assisted Language
Learning |
"An international journal which
leads the field in its total dedication to all matters
associated with the use of computers in language
learning (L1 and L2) It provides a forum to discuss the
discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and
information about existing techniques. The scope of the
Journal is intentionally wide- ranging and embraces a
multitude of disciplines." |
Literary and Linguistic
Computing |
"Literary and Linguistic Computing
is an international journal which publishes material on
all aspects of computing and information technology
applied to literature and language research and
teaching. Papers include results of research projects,
description and evaluation of techniques and
methodologies, and reports on work in
progress." |
Web Journal of Formal,
Computational & Cognitive
Linguistics |
"The aim of the journal is to unite
the efforts of linguists and computer scientists in
studying natural language using precise methods. The
journal is supposed to publish articles on original
completed research, reviews, short notes about current
research work and information on scientific
events." |
ELSNews |
Published six times per year at the
University of Edinburgh, ELSNews is "the 12-page
newsletter produced by ELSNET, reporting on activities
of ELSNET and its members, and on other topics of
interest to the European NLP and speech communities. It
covers recent developments in ESPRIT, LRE and related EC
initiatives, reports of on-going research at ELSNET
sites, and updates on the progress of EC-funded NLP and
speech projects". Now available in PDF
format. |
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comentarios sobre otros productos que piensas que
deberían formar parte de esta lista
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