Tecnología |
Esta página incluye una serie de
enlaces a diferentes tipos de herramientas para lingüistas y
traductores. Los productos que se presentan aquí no son sino un
ejemplo de la larga lista de herramientas informáticas en el campo
del lenguaje existentes en la actualidad.
transferibles mediante FTP, glosarios y listas de
The Microsoft
Glossaries |
Currently available in the following
languages: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (simplified and
traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Hebrew,Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, Swedish and
Turkish. |
The Novell Glossaries
Novell Glossaries for: Style Guides,
Netware, GroupWise, IntraNetware, Groupware and LAN.
Languages: Brazilian, Danish, Dutch,
French, Finnish, German, Italian, Korean, Chinese
(Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Norwegian, Spanish,
Swedish and Russian. |
The Apple
Glossaries |
Languages: Arabic, Brazilian-Portuguese,
British, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), Croatian,
Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French (Canadian), French
(Swiss), French, German (Swiss), German, Greek, Hebrew,
Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Kanji, Korean, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,
Turkish and Ukrainian. |
Dictionaries |
Free dictionaries. Babylon features:
- Comprehensive: Ultra rich
vocabulary of words and expressions, as well as proper names
and geographical places, omputer terms such as "ftp", "smtp", medical
terms such as "macrosomia" and
"endoscopic surgery", legal terms
such as "seisin" and "arbitration clause...
- Optical Character Recognition: Ability
to recognize text anywhere on the computer screen due to
innovative On-Screen Optical Character Recognition.
- Part of Speech description.
- Translates expressions and
- Language support: English-Chinese,
English-Dutch, English-French, English-German,
English-Portuguese, English-Spanish, English-Italian,
English-Japanese, English-Swedish.
Relly worth a
try! |
DDP Dutch
Dictionary Projec (Freeware) |
Supported language combinations and
number of entries:
Hungarian - English 98.000
English - Hungarian 63.000 German - English 81.000 English
- German 88.000 French - English 35.200 English - French
20.100 Spanish - English 19.400 English - Spanish 20.700
Russian - English 22.600 English - Russian 31.700
Italian - English 10.700 English - Italian 13.400
Dutch - English 13.000 English - Dutch 9.900 Swedish -
English 23.400 English - Swedish 24.400 Norwegian -
English 6.500 English - Norwegian 6.000 Portuguese -
English 5.300 English - Portuguese 5.800 Japanese -
English 58.200 English - Japanese 54.100 Indonesian -
English 22.700 English - Indonesian 23.500 Latin - English
4.700 English - Latin 8.300 Swahili - English 650 English
- Swahili 950 Afrikaans - English 3.200 English -
Afrikaans 4.100 Danish - English 2.700 English - Danish
3.700 Finnish - English 1.700 English - Finnish 2.800
Greek - English 7.700 English -
Greek 7.500 |
Village ENGLISH-CHINESE Dictionary |
Features include: Up to 40
Millions vocabulary (Only 18 Millions in Trial Version)
.Both GB code and Big5 code support, multi- text converter
renewed in EVDICT (Not available in Trial Version), Supporting
both of Chinese and English users' working environments,
Up to 40 Millions vocabulary (Only 18 Millions in Trial
Version) . |
(light) version 4.1 - Freeware |
Features: AbcThai works on your Windows
9*, does not need the Thai edition or Thai fonts since it uses
compatible graphics, works wihout a Thai keyboard (but it is
supported). T wo virtual keyboards for the input of Thai in a
separate window. |
English-Indonesian Dictionary |
According to the author, the dictionary
"has over that 17,000 words. This dictionary is designed to
help us (Indonesian) reading English literatures, so I omit
simple words that everybody usually knows. You may modify it
to meet your needs. It's free. It's for end user only, not
commercial...." |
Traducción automática, sistemas transferibles
mediante FTP
Al-Arabey 2.00 (Machine translation
English-Arabic) |
"Designed as a professional machine
translation tool for Arabic Windows systems, that can quickly
and easily translate text from English to Arabic, Al-Mutarjim
Al-Arabey is ideally suited to translating long documents such
as books and reports, etc. Al-Mutarjim Al-Arabey can also
handle large (and user-defined) translation dictionaries, and
includes full text-editing facilities, as well as scanning/OCR
capabilities..." |
Al-Wafi 2.00
(Machine tranlation English-Arabic) |
"Aimed more at the non-professional or
budget user, Al-Wafi offers basic English to Arabic
translation capabilities. It incorporates the same
text-editing, bilingual interface and user dictionary features
as the more-advanced Al-Mutarjim Al-Arabey, but has a more
limited dictionary. If your translation needs are occasional,
or of short length - then Al-Wafi is ideally suited to your
needs..." |
Client |
"The TranSphere Client is a
lightweight application that supports translation of documents
through a Translation Server. The evaluation will allow you to
connect to our Machine Translation Server and submit simple
text for translation..." By
AppTech |
WebTrans |
"WebTrans is another translation
client which allows for on-the-fly web page translation.
Simply go to a web page in your browser, click the WebTrans
icon in the system tray on the task bar and select Translate.
(The system tray is the small area on the task bar where the
time is displayed). NOTE: This version requires Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 or later..." By
AppTech |
T-Mail ( Free e-mail machine translation
service) |
supported:English-to-Spanish, French-to-English,
English-to-French, German-to-English, English-to-Italian,
Italian-to-English, English-to-Portuguese,
Portuguese-to-English, English-to-German,
Spanish-to-English By A |
Programas transferibles mediante FTP
Verbix (verb
conjugator in 25 languages) |
"Verbix is linguistic software that
conjugates verbs in 25 modern and extinct languages -- French,
Spanish, Italian, Latin and many more. It is designed to work
as a reference for foreign languages students."
Donwnload a free evaluation version or
test on-line |
WORDS (Latin
dictionary and parser) |
The program "takes keyboard
input or a file of Latin text lines and provides an analysis
of each word individually. There is also a searchable version
of this program on the World Wide Web." "The
dictionary is about 17000 entries, as would be counted in an
ordinary dictionary. This expands to more than twice that
number of individual stems (the count that the program
displays at startup), and may generate many hundreds of
thousands of "words" that one can construct over all the
declensions and
conjugations..." |
DicoMaker |
"DicoMaker offers translators an easier
and better way to store and manage in-house terminology on
their computers. DicoMaker dictionaries are text files, not
database files. With DicoMaker, manipulating terminology is
simply a matter of manipulating text files, word
processor-like. Powerful yet user-friendly search functions
provide database-like access to your
information" |
Tools |
Lexical analysis software for data-driven
learning and research. A series of linguistic tools for
lexical analysis including a kwic (key word in context)
tool, a keyword extractor,a parallel text aligner, etc.
Entente |
"Entente is meant to help people get
around in foreign countries; to converse, and ask questions,
and get understandable replies. Entente is different from
ordinary document translators in several ways. Most programs
try to guess the meanings of ambiguous words, but Entente asks
instead. (The user types I LIKE... and it beeps and asks LIKE
in which sense? 1. I like candy. 2. Jim is like Jane. The user
knows what he means, types a "1", and the computer makes the
right translation .)" Languages: Arabic,
Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian,
Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and
Herramientas para el aprendizaje de
| |